BitLife - Life Simulator Wiki

Plastic Surgery is an activity a player can get for their character if they are at least 18 and can afford it. In Bitlife, a character can raise their Looks stat by receiving plastic surgery. The player is always given the choice between two doctors. Typically, the more expensive doctor performs the surgery successfully, and the cheaper doctor almost always botches the surgery. Plastic surgeons have a Reputation bar and the higher it is, the more reputable they are and the less likely they are to botch it. Some surgeries have a limit of times they can be performed. The breast and penis enlargement surgeries and the sex-change surgery may only be done once. Most surgeries may only be done twice or thrice until many decades have passed. The Botox and Face Lift are the only unlimited surgical procedure. The current surgeries are:

  • Botox
  • Brazilian Butt Lift (Female)
  • Breast Augmentation (Female)
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Face Lift
  • Liposuction
  • Penis Enlargement Surgery (Male)
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Nose Job
  • Tummy Tuck

After the surgery is complete, the results will show how much a character's looks have improved if the surgery is successful and how much damage it can cause if botched. If botched, looks will go down to as low as zero, and happiness and health can go down too. Sometimes characters can die from surgery complications if the damage is too high on a botched surgery. Following a May 2019 update, plastic surgeons can be sued for botching your surgery. If a character tries to go back to a plastic surgeon after suing them, the surgeon will refuse to perform plastic surgery on the character regardless of the lawsuit's result. Plastic surgeons will not perform any body surgeries like, Brazilian butt lifts, breast augmentations, liposuction, sex-change surgeries, nor tummy tucks on pregnant characters. The Barbie Girl ribbon can be achieved if your character is female and goes through many plastic surgeries.
