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See Career Collections for a brief Job summary and how to achieve them.

Jobs are forms of employment that provide characters with varying levels of income. Several jobs can lead to a very successful career in your Bitlife life. Jobs payments vary but some do require a greater level of education and certain schooling. Part-time jobs and freelance gigs were added in May 2019 and characters have to be at least 13 to try them. Some careers rapidly provide more social media followers and a massive increase in income after reaching a certain 'breakthrough' (Acting and Composing) while others rely on a gradually increasing wage (Doctor and CEO). Most medical jobs require advanced degrees, but can give a rewarding wage. Choosing careers relies on steady planning and where you live. Emigrating also forces you to get a new career. Most careers also provide raises based on performance or, depending on the job, looks and smarts. Another key thing to remember graduating high school. All of the averages of euros (€) are from Germany and all of the averages of dollars ($) is from United States of America.

Note: As different countries have different education systems, characters in countries like the UK from the ages of 11-18 may start secondary school, while characters in countries like the US from the ages of 11-13 may start middle school and then high school at 14-18. In the Education Required field, "Upper Secondary School" will mean the same thing as "high school".

Corporate Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Corporate). The secret Ribbon Big Boss is for outstanding Bitizens at this career path.

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Starting Wage

(€ to $)

Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Jr. Internal Auditor Internal Auditor Upper Secondary School $82,718 No
Internal Auditor Sr. Internal Auditor University $90,474 No
Sr. Internal Auditor N/A University/Internal Auditor $1,952,503 No
Jr. Financial Analyst Financial Analyst University €43,550 No
Financial Analyst Sr. Financial Analyst University €49,726 No
Sr. Financial Analyst N/A University/Financial Analyst €55,133 No
Jr. Computer Programmer Computer Programmer University €41,850 No
Computer Programmer Sr. Computer Programmer University €57,300 No
Sr. Computer Programmer N/A University/Computer


€30,050 No
Jr. Insurance Agent Insurance Agent Upper Secondary School €23,450 No
Insurance Agent Sr. Insurance Agent Upper Secondary School €78,600 No
Sr. Insurance Agent N/A Upper Secondary School/Insurance


€37,066 No
Jr. Environmental


Environmental Scientist University €38,633


Sr. Environmental Scientist University €42,983
Sr. Environmental


N/A University/Environmental


Jr. Stockbroker Stockbroker University €36,616
Stockbroker Sr. Stockbroker University €64,183
Sr. Stockbroker N/A University/Stockbroker €88,683
Jr. Operations Analyst Analyst University $50,714 No
Operations Analyst Sr. Operations Analyst University $46,321 No
Sr. Operations Analyst N/A University/Operations Analyst $68,743 No
Jr. Database Administrator Database Administrator University $58,340 No
Database Administrator Sr. Database Administrator University $43,891 No
Sr. Database Administrator N/A University/Database Administrator €50,000 No
Jr. Lobbyist Lobbyist University $49,895
Lobbyist Sr. Lobbyist University $71,283
Sr. Lobbyist N/A University/Lobbyist $76,170
Jr. Biotechnologist Biotechnologist University $33,726
Biotechnologist Sr. Biotechnologist University $49,320
Sr. Biotechnologist N/A University/Biotechnologist $51,200
Jr. Microbiologist Microbiologist University $31,393 No
Microbiologist Sr. Microbiologist University $38,108 No
Sr. Microbiologist N/A University/Microbiologist $61,899 No
Jr. Architect Architect University $40,631
Architect Sr. Architect University €40,000
Sr. Architect N/A University/Architect €66,289
Jr. Business Analyst Business Analyst University €41,038
Business Analyst Sr. Business Analyst University $64,050
Sr. Business Analyst N/A University/Business Analyst $71,370
Jr. Accountant Accountant University $52,700
Accountant Sr. Accountant University $52,850
Sr. Accountant N/A University/Accountant $53,800
Jr. IT Support IT Support University €28,206 No
IT Support Sr. IT Support University $38,387 No
Sr. IT Support N/A University/IT Support $46,610 No
Apprentice Telemarketer Telemarketer High School or equivalent $20,190 No
Telemarketer N/A High School or equivalent $19,820 No
Receptionist N/A Upper Secondary School €16,600 No
Factory Worker N/A None €16,664 No
Janitor N/A None €20,091 Yes
Jr. Translator Translator University €26,384
Translator Sr. Translator University $41,429
Sr. Translator N/A University/Translator $20,900
Engineer I Engineer II University €43,663
Engineer II Engineer III University/Engineer I $57,350
Engineer III Asst. Engineering Manager University/Engineer II $72,000
Asst. Engineering Manager Engineering Manager University/Engineer III $60,894
Engineering Manager Director of Engineering University/Asst. Engineering Manager $113,000
Director of Engineering VP of Engineering University/Engineering Manager $125,000
Assistant Vice President Vice President Business School/15 Years $101,124
Vice President First Vice President Business School $141,500
First Vice President Senior Vice President Business School $176,669
Senior Vice President Executive Vice President Business School $160,000
Executive Vice President Managing Director Business School $175,262
Managing Director President Business School $190,955
President N/A Business School $228,749

Model Agency Jobs[]

This includes all the jobs under the title (Model Agency). You can become famous once you get promoted to Superstar Model. This is one of the pathways to get famous.

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Starting Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Foot Model Hand Model None $20,000
Hand Model Catalog Model Foot Model $32,280
Catalog Model Lingerie Model Hand Model $43,970
Lingerie Model Runway Model Catalog Model $50,000
Runway Model N/A Lingerie Model $54,670

Airline Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Airline).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Starting Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Chief Pilot N/A University/Pilot $85,350
Pilot Chief Pilot University/Co-Pilot $71,496
Co Pilot Pilot University/Pilot Trainee $44,683
Pilot Trainee Co Pilot University

Pilot's license

Sr Flight Attendant Pilot Trainee High school or equivalent/Flight Attendant $38,500 No
Flight Attendant Sr Flight Attendent High school or equivalent/Jr. Filght Attendant $26,300 No
Jr. Flight Attendant Flight Attendant Upper Secondary School $22,979 No
Baggage Handler N/A None $21,152

Veterinary Clinic Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Veterinary Clinic).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Starting Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Apprentice Pet Groomer Pet Groomer None $22,710 No
Jr. Veterinarian Veterinarian Veterinary School $47,500
Veterinarian Sr. Veterinarian Veterinary School $17,855
Sr. Veterinarian N/A Veterinary School/Veterinarian $73,095

Hospital Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Hospital).

Job Promotes To

Education Required And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Clinical Nurse Specialist N/A Nursing School/Advanced Clinician $79,164
Brain Surgeon N/A Medical School $175,000 No
Family Physician N/A Medical School $99,500

Municipal Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Municipal).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Chief Justice N/A Law School/Associate Chief Justice $216,400
Associate Chief Justice Chief Justice Law School/District Court Judge $174,000
District Court Judge Associate Chief Justice Law School/Magistrate Court Judge $129,780
Magistrate Court Judge District Court Judge Law School/Magistrate $129,500
Magistrate Magistrate Court Judge Law School/30 Years $80,350
Sculptor N/A None $24,411
Jr. Mail Carrier Mail Carrier Upper Secondary School $35,871
Mail Carrier Sr. Mail Carrier Upper Secondary School $37,800
Sr. Mail Carrier N/A Upper Secondary School/Mail Carrier $40,327
Bus Driver N/A None

Driving license

€32,500 No

Medical Office Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Medical Office).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Jr. Psychiatrist Psychiatrist Medical School $75,600 No
Psychiatrist Sr. Psychiatrist Medical School/Jr. Psychiatrist $80,892 No
Sr. Psychiatrist N/A Medical School/Psychiatrist $83,500 No
Jr. Pharmacist Pharmacist Pharmacy School $83,188 No
Pharmacist Sr. Pharmacist Pharmacy School $48,500 No
Sr. Pharmacist N/A Pharmacy School/Pharmacist $57,500 No

Newspaper Jobs[]

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Jr. Editor Editor University/7 Years of any job $51,717 Yes
Apprentice Photographer Photographer Upper Secondary School $31,500
Photographer N/A Upper Secondary School/Apprentice Photographer $32,163

School District Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (School District).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Teacher Tech Teacher University $36,886 No
Tech Teacher Head Tech Teacher University €39,100 No
Head Tech Teacher Asst. Principal University $40,040 No
Asst. Principal Principal Graduate School $57,500 No
Principal Asst. Superitendent Graduate School/Asst. Principal $75,200 No
Asst. Superintendent Superintendent Graduate School/Principal $89,377 No
Superintendent School President

Graduate School/Asst. Superintendent 

$103,554 No
School President N/A Graduate School/Superintendent $210,493 No

University District Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (University District).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Professor N/A Graduate School/10 Years $80,408
College Dean N/A University/30 Years $182,663

Law Firm Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Law Firm).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Legal Secretary Legal Records Manager Community College $26,388 No
Legal Records Manager Paralegal Community College/Legal Secretary $31,800 No
Paralegal N/A Community College/Legal Records Manager $44,807 No
Law Clerk Junior Associate Law School $103,408
Junior Associate Associate Law School $122,112
Associate Junior Partner Law School/Junior Associate $134,065
Junior Partner Partner Law School/ Associate $187,855
Partner N/A Law School/Junior Partner $201,613

Restaurant Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Restaurant).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Jr. Bartender Bartender None

Must have high looks

Bartender Sr. Bartender None/Jr. Bartender $32,289
Sr. Bartender Server None/Bartender $37,180
Server Head Waiter None/Host $20,700
Head Waiter Expeditor None/Server $18,524
Expeditor Assistant Manager Upper Secondary School/Head Waiter $29,378
Assistant Manager General Manager None/Expeditor €25,000
Line Cook Short Order Cook Community College/3 Years $13,500
Short Order Cook Apprentice Chef Community College/3 Years $18,500
Apprentice Chef Chef Tournant Community College/3 Years €16,600
Chef Tournant Chef Garde Manager Community College/Apprentice Chef $30,000
Chef Garde Manager Junior Sous Chef Community College/Chef Tournant $32,600
Junior Sous Chef Saucier Community College/Chef Garde Manager $37,891
Saucier Sous Chef Community College/Junior Sous Chef $40,250
Sous Chef Chef de Cuisine Community College/Saucier $41,590
Chef de Cuisine Executive Chef Community College/Sous Chef $47,110
Executive Chef N/A Community College/Chef de Cuisine $59,420

Police Department Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Police Department).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Chief of Police N/A Upper Secondary School/Lieutenant $68,839 No
Lieutenant Chief of Police Upper Secondary School/Inspector $62,955 No
Inspector Lieutenant Upper Secondary School/Sergeant $57,072 No
Sergeant Inspector Upper Secondary School/Corporal $51,188 No
Corporal Sergeant Upper Secondary School/Trooper $45,303 No
Trooper Corporal Upper Secondary School/Patrolman $38,885 No
Patrolman Trooper Upper Secondary School/Cadet $38,000 No
Cadet Patrolman Upper Secondary School $27,118 No

Fire Department Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Fire Department).

Jobs Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Fire Chief N/A Upper Secondary School/Assistant Chief $85,380
Assistant Chief Fire Chief Upper Secondary School/Battalion Chief $79,333
Battalion Chief Assistant Chief Upper Secondary School/Captain $73,287
Captain Battalion Chief Upper Secondary School/Lieutenant $66,030
Lieutenant Captain Upper Secondary School/Fire Equipment Operator $59,378
Fire Equipment Operator Lieutenant Upper Secondary School/Firefighter $53,332
Firefighter Fire Equipment Operator Upper Secondary School/Probationary Firefighter $47,285
Probationary Firefighter Firefighter Upper Secondary School $41,239

Mortuary Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Mortuary).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Mortician Funeral Director University $28,867
Funeral Director N/A University/Mortician $31,000

Record Label Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Record Label).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Disk Jockey N/A None $23,244
Background Vocalist Lounge Singer None $21,451
Lounge Singer Singer Background Vocalist €30,000
Singer Lead Singer Lounge Singer €42,700
Lead Singer N/A Singer $52,000
Apprentice Music Composer Music Composer University $19,932

Film Studio Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Film Studio).

Jobs Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Apprentice Makeup Artist Makeup Artist Upper Secondary School $18,743
Puppeteer N/A None $21,695
Porn Set Janitor N/A None $18,202
Stuntman N/A Upper Secondary School $25,706 Yes

Small Business Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Small Business).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Sr. Graphic Designer N/A University $45,000 No
Graphic Designer Sr. Graphic Designer University $39,000 No
Jr. Graphic Designer Graphic Designer University $32,806 No
Roadkill Remover N/A None $32,157
Housekeeper N/A None $17,076
Apprentice Lumberjack Lumberjack None $21,676
Lumberjack N/A None/Apprentice Lumberjack $42,000
Worm Picker N/A None $17,500 Yes
Wedding Planner Sr.Wedding Planner High School or equivalent €17,000 No
Water Slide Tester N/A None $29,000
Travel Agent High School or equivalent $10,000
Sr. Wedding Planner N/A High school or equivalent/Wedding Planner €29,000

Publisher Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Publisher).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Writer N/A Upper Secondary School $21,730

Retailer Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Retailer).

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Cashier N/A None $15,782 No
Retail Salesperson N/A None $15,915

Orchestra Jobs[]

This includes all jobs under the title (Orchestra). This job category was removed for the Pop Star Update.

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary
Violin Player N/a University $17,650
Triangle Player N/A University $12,516

Other Jobs (Real Estate, Circus, Salon, etc.)[]

This is the section for other jobs which are under titles with a smaller variety of jobs.


Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Assistant Curator Curator University/Exhibit Associate $43,423 No
Exhibit Associate Assistant Curator University $44,489 No
Curator University/Assistant Curator $46,300

Real Estate[]

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Real Estate Agent N/A High school or equivalent

A car(thus a driving license)



Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Magician N/A None $14,160
Circus Performer N/A None $27,669
Clown N/A None

Being a male with high looks



Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Massage Therapist N/A Community College $23,630
Apprentice Hairdresser Hairdresser Secondary School $15,447
Hairdresser N/A High school or equivalent/Apprentice Hairdresser €16,000


Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Sr. Banker N/A University $68,000 No
Banker Sr. Banker University $64,017 No
Jr. Banker Banker University $53,142 No
Jr. Financial Advisor Financial Adv. University
Financial Adv. Sr. Financial Adv. University

Trucking Company[]

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Apprentice Trucker Trucker Upper Secondary School €31,732 No
Trucker N/A Upper Secondary School $32,453 No


Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Librarian Sr. Librarian Graduate School $40.000 No
Library Aide Librarian Graduate School $37,078 No
Clerk Library Aide University $27,300 No


Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary

(The longer you are in the job, the higher salary you get).

Can Hold with Criminal Record
Engineer Captain Engineer $150.000
Deck Boss Engineer Deck Hand $100.000
Deck Hand Deck Boss Greenhorn $50.000
Greenhorn Deck Hand None $30.000
Fisherman N/A None $13.000

Ride Sharing App[]

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Driver N/A None $27,000 No

Grocery Store[]

Job Promotes To Education Required

and/or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Apprentice Grocer Grocer Upper Secondary School $17,000 No
Grocer N/A Upper Secondary School/Apprentice Grocer $21,000 No

Fast Food[]

Job Promotes To Education Required

And/Or Work Experience

Average Salary Can Hold with Criminal Record?
General Manager N/A Restaurant Manager $19,386 No
Restaurant Manager General Manager Shift Manager €27,000 No
Shift Manager Restaurant Manager Crew Member $17,296 No
Crew Member Shift Manager None $15,319 No

Military Jobs[]

These jobs can be acquired by joining the military. You don't need a degree to enlist in the military but a degree is required to apply as an officer. If your character's application to join the military/enlistment in the military has been rejected. It will notify you, and your character will be able to go through bootcamp.

Ranks Salary
Private                  $19,200
Private Second Class                $21,516
Private First Class              $24,070
Specialist                $27,747
Sergeant                  $33,066
Staff Sergeant                $38,030
Sergeant Second Class $42,383
Sergeant First Class    $48,256
Master Sergeant $60,210
Sergeant Major                  $77,384
Sergeant General $79,383
Officer Ranks Salary
Second Lieutenant $41,121
First Lieutenant $50,013
Captain $63,781
Major $73,725
Lieutenant Colonel $86,382
Colonel $106,360
Brigadier General $126,270
Major General $148,768
Lieutenant General $179,611
General $186,996
Commanding Officer $210,293

Part-time Jobs[]

Part-time jobs are available for characters 13 and older. They are the first real opportunity for a steady income, and can serve as a backup job or supplemental income for adults.

A part-time job can help to pay university tuition, though even ones with the fewest hours will raise the character's stress level and leave little if any time for extracurricular activities. Jobs with more hours can lead to high blood pressure, and even early death. Some part-time jobs are only available to university students, and will automatically end when the character graduates or leaves university.

The hourly rates and weekly hours shown here are not exact. These numbers can vary, and may change if your character requests a raise or more/fewer hours.

Job Requirements Hourly Rate Starting Weekly Hours/Weekly Wage Can Hold with Criminal Record?
Fitness Instructor (Gym) $37 15/$555
Personal Trainer (Gym) $32 20/$640 No
Beverage Cart Attendant (Corporate) $30 15/$450 Yes
Mystery Shopper $24 10/$240 No
Dance Instructor (Dance Company) $21 27/$567
Video Game Tester (App Developer) $20 17/$340 Yes
Secretary (Corporate) $19 11/$209
Mall Kiosk Worker (Mall) $19 21/$399
Mover (Small Business) $18 14/$252 No
Valet (Hotel) $10 21/210 No
Brand Ambassador (Corporate) $17 15/$255 No
Swim Instructor (Swimming Pool) $17 15/$255 No
Bookkeeper (Corporate) $17 17/$289
Usher (Hotel) $17 10/$170
Research Assistant (University) Must be in University $16 10/$160
Lab Assistant (University) Must be in University $15 15/$225
Pool Cleaner (Swimming Pool) $15 12/$180 No
Department Store Associate (Retailer) $15 17/$255 No
Window Cleaner (Small Business) $15 22/$330
Flower Shop Assistant (Florist) $15 28/$420
Grocery Bagger (Grocery Store) $15 19/$285
Collections Specialist (Corporate) $15 14/$210 No
Teacher's Aide $14 8/$112
Lifeguard (Swimming Pool) $14 9/$126 No
Resident Assistant (University) Must be in University $13 11/$143
Doorman (Nightclub) $13 28/$364
Bike Shop Mechanic (Bike Shop) $13 24/$312
School Bus Driver (Municipal) Must have a driver's license $13 25/$325 No
Street Sweeper (Municipal) $13 24/$312
Arcade Assistant (Mall) $13 29/$377 Yes
Bellhop (Hotel) $12 14/$168 No
Barista (Coffee Shop) $12 29/$348 No
Concessions Attendant (Movie Theater) $12 No
Golf Shop Assistant (Golf Course) $10 30/$300
Library Assistant (Library) $10 10/$100
Cafeteria Worker Must be in University $10 12/$120
Admissions Assistant (University) Must be in University $10 14/$140
Campus Tour Guide (University) Must be in University $10 9/$90
Grader (University) Must be in University $10 13/$130
Sign Holder (Small Business) $10 11/$110 Yes
Hotel Front Desk Clerk (Hotel) $10 30/$300 No
Gym Receptionist (Gym) $10 17/$170
Newspaper Delivery Person (Newspaper) $10 12/$120
Yoga Receptionist (Gym) $9 18/$162 No
Boutique Associate (Retailer) $9 11/$99 No
Laser Tag Assistant (Mall) $8 21/$168 Yes
Donut Maker (Donut Shop) $8 9/$72
Car Wash Attendant (Car Wash) $8 14/$112
Secretary (Corporate) $15 16/$240 No
Camp Counselor (Small Business) $12 30/$360 Yes
Office Assistant (Corporate) $13 30/$390 No
Ice Cream Scooper (Cafe) $8 19/$152 Yes

Barnyard Sperm Extractor

Armpit Sniffer

Social Media Manager

Grocery Store Stocker

Boutique Associate

Sandwich Maker

Pizza Maker

Pool Towel Attendant

Mall Santa

Chicken Sexer

Amusement Park Attendant

Bowling Alley Attendant

Tour Guide

Freelance Gigs[]

Freelance gigs are a way to make some quick money. There are 8 possible gigs, each with several hourly rates. Requesting higher pay can lead to much greater earnings, but also reduces the chance that anyone will hire your character at all. A character can be hired for up to 10 gigs per year. Unanswered ads do not count toward this limit.

Note:The prices and minimum age of each gig depends on which country your character lives in. The ones below are based on a character living in the USA.

Gigs Minimum age Minimum ($) Maximum ($)
Handyman 18 $6 $40
Tutor 15 $4 $29
Lawnmower 14 $2 $30
Caretaker 18 $3 $20
Dog Walker 13 $1 $24
Pet Sitter 13 $1 $20
Babysitter 13 $1 $20

Job Events[]

  • Characters may be promoted and/or given raises.
  • Characters can resign from their job, or retire if they have worked for the employer long enough.
    • Upon retiring the character will receive a pension, an annual payment which is less than, but calculated based on, their previous salary.
    • A character can retire as soon as they're eligible, or continue to work and retire later. Retiring later leads to a higher pension.
  • Character's supervisor can ask your character to spend time with them to get ahead.
    • If this involves sexual harassment, the supervisor can be reported to HR, or sued via Lawsuit in which case they will be fired if found guilty.
  • The workplace will do a hobby together as a team building exercise. The character can choose to participate, or to refuse. Refusing will lower your character’s performance.
  • A co-worker or supervisor will try to hook up with the character. You can have a one-night stand with them, reject their advances (they may insult you if you do this), or report them to HR (they may assault you if you do this). Rejecting a supervisor’s advances might also get you fired. You may file a lawsuit against a co-worker or supervisor for sexually harassing you if they insulted or assaulted you.
  • A co-worker will act annoying in front of the character. You can ignore them, have a talk with them, report them to your supervisor/HR, or assault them. You may get insulted or assaulted after the second choice, the third choice may get you assaulted if the co-worker was punished, and the last choice may result in you being called into the supervisor’s office, or HR launching an investigation into you.

Getting Fired[]

Reasons why a character may be fired include:

  • Getting sent to Jail.
  • Poor performance. May be attributed to improper behavior within workplace or low hours spent at place. Requesting raises/promotions from the Supervisor will also encourage poor performance.
    • Follow-up dialogs include:
List of follow-up dialogs
  • No explanation was given as to why you have been let go.
  • They accuse you of having sex on the copy machine.
  • They say it is because you are not reliable.
  • They say that it's a liability to allow you to continue working due to your [disease/infection].
  • They say it's because everyone in the office got food poisoning from the food you brought in for the potluck.
  • They say it's because they are tired of seeing you complain about management/the job on social media.
  • They say it's because they believe you have been falsifying records.
  • They say it's because you have been bringing your personal drama into the office.
  • They say it's because you miss too much time attending funerals.
  • They say it's because you told everyone your Valentine's Day plans were to go home and make love to yourself.
  • They say something about you not being a good listener, but you weren't really paying attention.
  • They say they have received too many complaints about your bad hygiene.
  • They tell you it's because the office was robbed after you failed to lock the door when you left.
  • They tell you it's because they believe you have been stealing office supplies.
  • They tell you it's because they suspect you have been lying.
  • They tell you it's because you are always flirting with coworkers.
  • They tell you it's because you are always late.
  • They tell you it's because you are not following protocol.
  • They tell you it's because you lack the independence necessary to have success at your position.
  • They tell you it's because you're too apathetic, but you don't really care.
  • They tell you it's because your often hard nipples are too distracting for your coworkers.
  • They tell you it's because your underwear often shows while you are working.
  • They tell you it's because you say "awesomesauce/YOLO" too much.
  • They tell you it's because you show too much cleavage while you are working.
  • They tell you it's not you, it's them.
  • They tell you that it's because you called a coworker a [insult].
  • They tell you that it's because you waste too much time messing around on your phone/the internet.
  • They tell you that they believe you have addiction issues.
  • They tell you that you ask too many questions, to which you reply, "How many questions are too many?".
  • They tell you that you gossip too much about unfashionable coworkers/management.
  • They tell you they suspect you are drinking on the job.
  • You are told it's because they saw pics of you at a sporting event/party on social media after you called out sick.
  • You are told it's because you are too untactful.
  • You are told it's because your performance just isn't up to the organization's standards.
  • You are told it is because you cry at work too much.
  • You are told it is because you cut too many corners.
  • You are told it's because you have been accused of bullying coworkers.
  • You are told it is because you have been accused of masturbating at work.
  • You are told it's because your language is often offensive/distasteful.
  • You are told it's because you spend too much time in the bathroom.
  • You are told it's because you don't work well with others.
  • You are told it's because you've been looking at porn while working.
  • You are told it's because you've been spreading false rumors.
  • You are told that it is because you have left work early too many times.
  • You are told that it's because your attitude is too gloomy/pessimistic.
  • You are told that they want to go in a different direction.
  • You are told that you are not receptive enough to constructive criticism, but you think they're wrong.
  • You are told that you call out sick too often.
  • You suspect it's because of your political beliefs.
  • You suspect it's because you destroyed the copy machine.
  • You suspect it's because you have been browsing jobs online while at work.
  • You suspect it's because you have been working on your resume at work.
  • You suspect it's because you keep clogging the only toilet.
  • You suspect it's because you sometimes address a man you work with as "love bug" instead of addressing him by his name.
  • You suspect it's because you took the last cup of coffee and didn't brew a new pot.
  • You suspect it's because you've become too wise.

  • Failed drug test. Happens after taking drugs the previous year or by asking a strict job for 28 days off to go to rehab.
  • Being too old to work. A lawsuit can be filed against employers for doing this as it is against equal opportunity workers' rights. Your character will not, however, get their job back.
  • Having an illness even if the player's performance or behavior is fine.
  • Broken celibacy, if your character is a priest, clergy, nun, or exorcist and decides to date, have a one night stand, or raise a child.
  • When your character is forced to scrap a vehicle and doesn’t buy another one, once you age up you will immediately be fired from a job that requires one.
  • Military characters will be sometimes be dishonorably discharged if they refuse to do the mine puzzle when deployed.
  • Following the Office update, the character can be fired for bad behavior to co-workers and supervisors if HR launches too many investigations into them. This includes giving gifts which are considered inappropriate, assaulting co-workers or supervisors, and unhealthy actions such as pranking or starting rumors. If a character is given a warning for this, another offense within the same year will result in being fired.
  • Marrying into royalty or emigrating will force you to quit your job.
  • Rejecting a hook-up from a supervisor. If this happens the termination reason will say "unspecified".
  • Confronting a supervisor on "annoying behaviors" can also lead to an unspecified termination cause.

Getting your Job Back[]

If you are fired, you can beg your supervisor to stay. It rarely works, however, more often leading to results such as:

  • Your supervisor said they couldn't help you.
  • Your supervisor said they couldn't help you but wished you well on your future endeavors.
  • Your supervisor told you not to let the door hit you on the way out.
  • Your supervisor slammed the door in your face.
  • Your supervisor laughed at you before calling security to escort you out.

In rare cases, begging your supervisor to stay will lead to another pop up where you're called into their office and can cry, ask politely for one more chance, insult them, or seduce them. Most of the time they won't help, but very rarely, they will agree to give you your job back.

If you are fired, regardless of the reason, attempting to get hired from the same job under a different employer will always result in your character being denied an interview.

If you file a lawsuit against your workplace for termination, no matter whether you won or lost the suit, the workplace will always reject an interview for that job.
